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来源: 明师俱乐部      时间:2023-07-04 08:19:58

Why is lesson planning important?


课堂教学是按照教师的课程设计和组织计划进行的,通过系统的引导学生听课、练习和复习等,帮助学生获得学习的能力和提高知识水平,同时完成高尚人格的塑造。要做好教学设计,第一要求就是得把握教学重点和难点。把握和调控教学重难点是实现教学突破的有效方式。 作为英语教学的核心知识,教学重点是学生必须要掌握的知识和技能,教学难点则是学生在学习过程中不容易理解和掌握的部分。

如何在课堂上抓住重点并且突破难点,是需要我们深入思考的问题。抓住重点,就是给学生呈现最需要接受的知识,突破难点则是从利于理解掌握的层面去提高学生的能力水平。 课堂教学的组织和引导,要挖掘学生的巨大潜能,课堂教学的好坏直接决定着学生今后的发展。在组织课堂教学的过程中,要根据学生的心理和身体发展特点,因材施教,因势利导,保证课堂教学达到最佳效果。

What are the principles for good lesson planning?



Aim means the realistic goals for the lesson. Aims are not the things teachers intend to do during the lesson,but the things that students are able to do by the end of the lesson.With clear aims in mind,the rest of the lesson planning will be based on how such aims are going to be achieved.


Variety means planning a number of different types of activities and where possible, introducing students to a wide selection of materials so that learning is always interesting , motivating and never monotonous for the students.


Flexibility means preparing some extra and alternative tasks and activities as the class does not always go according to the plan so that teachers always have the options to cope with the unexpected situations rather than being the slaves of written plans or one methodology.


Learnability means the contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the learning capability of the students.Of course things should not be too easy either.


Linkage means the stages and the steps within each stage are planned in such a way that they are someway linked with each other.

What are macro and micro planning?


在初中英语课堂教学中,许多学生由于基础语言知识记忆不牢,基本的句子结构和句型、句式的不理解,加之有些句子使用和汉语有一定的差别,从而导致了相当一部分学生不仅不能用准确得体的标准英语进行口头表达,更写不出几句完整的英语句子。原因何在? 大多学生都认为英语语法实在是枯燥、乏味、难记、易忘。这就极大地影响了他们学习英语的兴趣,同时更制约着他们英语成绩的提高。

在过去的英语语法课堂教学中,教师的一般做法是先仔细讲解语法知识的概念、定义、结构与特点,接着再呈现例句并加以说明,最后设计许多练习,让学生进行练习与巩固,这样的教学过程和模式。 教师是课堂的主体,学生通过被动地听、记、练来接受知识。似乎“一学就会”,在实际语言情境中学生还是不能正确使用所学的语法知识去解决实际问题。


What are the components of a lesson planning?

1. 注重实践,引导学生积极参与和体验。为突出教学目标,教师可设计对话互动,做游戏等不同的语言实践活动,设计安排一些任务让同学们通过听、说、读、写不同的训练方式,引导学生积极思维大胆参与,在实践中,在真实的语境中掌握语法知识。通过亲身体验,由学生来总结语法规律,这样就能充分提高学生的学习兴趣和效率,增强他们参与课堂教学,积极互动的主动性和积极性。

2. 运用多媒体创设语境,让语法教学自然有效。在条件允许的情况下,可运用多媒体课件进行语法教学,利用课件提供大量的图片和动画进行练习,形象直观,使学生身临其境,也可以利用课件讲解归纳现在进行时的用法,使学生形成清晰的语法概论。还可以利用课件提供针对性的练习,多媒体课件的在教学上的使用,可以使语法教学变得兴趣盎然。




Sample lesson plans

There is no uniform lesson plan.Different styles of lesson plans have been written and used by different teachers.A good lesson plan does not have to belong and extremely detailed.

The most important thing is that it should be simple to follow and effective for fulfilling the teaching aims.


Sample 1

An Instructional Design of Topic Leading-in for Junior English Classes

Sample 2

七上 Unit 2 Let"s play sports!

Background: Sports

It is important and fun for students to play sports and enjoy themselves.

Key words: Sports

Ⅰ Background information

Nowadays,doing sports is very popular and they are good for our health. Also they can cultivate some good mental qualities,such as bravery,confidence. Besides,team spirit and cooperation can be reflected and improved. All these mental qualities are important for middle school students,which makes sports important for our students.

Ⅱ Type of the lesson

Welcome to the unit

Ⅲ Teaching aims and learning objectives

By the end of the lesson,the students will be able to:

1.Understand the meanings of the new words.

Express the names of different sports in proper situations.

2.Instruct students to talk about their favorite sports.

3.Arouse students" interest in this unit.

4.Cooperate with partners and experience the feeling of success.

Ⅳ Teaching content

1.New words and expressions

2.The fun in sports

3.Learn with fun

Ⅴ Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

1.New words and expressions about sports

2.How to lead students to discuss more sports

3.How to improve students" involvement in class

Ⅵ Teaching aids

1.Multimedia 2.Blackboard

Ⅶ Teaching procedures


Lesson planning is necessary and beneficial to both experienced and novice teachers.There are principles but no standard ways for planning lessons.A good lesson does not only depend on aclearly structured lesson plan but on how much we can engage learners in learning.



转自 | 英语课程与教学论

作者 | 林雨璐 吴梦悦 郭千慧 裘逸茜













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